What is an avatar?

An Avatar is a picture that you or someone else draws of you on a digital device with as much detail as possible. 

An avatar is important because it describes to them what you  might look like. 

The features of my avatar are dark hair, light skin green eyes and a smiling mouth.

I have chosen these features because it’s closest to what I look like.

By Peter


Tashi – A great book for adventure lovers

Tashi – A great book for adventure lovers

I enjoy reading about adventure books because they go to different places. Sometimes the characters gets into trouble and they have to work together when all hope is lost. This is why I enjoy reading Tashi. 

I recommend Tashi because it fits into the genre of adventure and if like adventure this is the book for you!

Tashi is a small human and he gets into so much trouble. For example, one time Tashi went to get fish for his grandma and he got captured by a dragon. Tashi had to outsmart the dragon to escape. That type of adventure is why I recommend this book.

The first book chat book I read this term was Grimsdon. It is about kids trying to stay alive because they are living where a tsunami has hit. One of the things they need to do to stay alive is find food.

I have finished reading Grimsdon. What I liked about it was the setting in a tsunami. But I didn’t really like this book because I found it repetitive and predictable. I didn’t find that it had a good twist. I wouldn’t read this type of book again. 

because on the first half of the books a new person comes and on the last half a new person comes, I don’t really that type of book but it’s my opinion.

Now that you’ve read my review, why don’t you read Tashi for yourself?

By Peter


Book week reading is my secret power

On Friday the 23 of August 2019 we dressed up as a 

book character from  any book I dressed up as fantastic

 Mr Fox. The author who wrote the I dressed up as is Roll Dahl.

The story is about a fox who needs to get food for his family

 and friends because 3 farms who want to make him sleep and

 not wake up but Mr. fox need to

 get food so he dose something fantastic

How I got the costume was that I already had it so I didn’t

 need to get anything else.

In fantastic Mr Fox he needed to use a couple of PLA like resilience

 because he never gave up and courage because in times when he

 was scared he needed to face his fears and do it.

By Peter

Future year 4s

Dear future year 4’ s,

I hear you’re coming up to year 4 next year

Here’s three things you need:

.a growth mind set so if you are like, I can’t do this a grow mind set would be you can do this don’t give up.

. Be happy, in year 4 there is nothing to worry about every thing will be fine.

.listen to the teacher it will make the work easier.

Two things to look forward to are

.the math game of the week it changes from times tables and then division

.group activity are the best because you can do it with your friends.

A time I laughed was when I watched Nelson’s Cheese it was about a mouse who wouldn’t give to get cheese.A time when I was challenged was when I did the maths test I found it hard but I kept on going.I am proud of how much I learned I thought it was going hate it but I didn’t.

I always remember mrs Burns and mrs Haines saying have a go it can’t hurt.


At the end of term 4 in year 4 we did a nativity about the birth of God. We all needed to pair up with someone to write one scene, my partner and I wrote the scene 12.

The Performance Process

We needed to do some auditions for certain roles to see who would be best for the role it was hard be the best person as there was only one for each role. For homework we needed to get a costume. In CARE we did a quick quiz to see how much we know about the Christmas story it was hard.

The script we wrote was only about the birth of Jesus not including much more of the after story.

What has been enjoyable

Making the costume was in enjoyable because you could look up photos on the internet to make some thing appropriate, it was fun to do.

But the best thing of all was making the script,

I wish we could do again.


I need to use imagination to imagine what the script would look like so that ever thing easier for me.

I needed to use Collaboration so that I could work as a team.

Last but not least I needed to use knowledge because I could use my pre-knowledge about the Christmas story to a good script.

By Peter 

CBCA book award.

In Year 4 we got to vote for our favourite book  from the CBCA awards. We needed to read the short listed information books, then we needed to give them a score out of 30 but they needed to have these 3 things: Visuals, layout and information. There were 6 books to choose from so it was hard but at the end we chose our favourite book.

What makes a good information book, a good information book should have the key information about the things you write the book about. A good layout means you have writing and pictures next to it.

The book I decided to choose was Our Birds by Sienna Stubbs and she is an Indigenous author. Sienna Stubbs took the photos on her own camera of the birds when she was 12 and wrote the book when she was 15.

Now do you want to read it and why?

by Peter

Meet the scientist

Hi today I am going to tell you about my Science experiment.

My science experiment was to see how much weight can 4 types of bags hold it was hard to get ready for the experiment it took a while but I think we did pretty well.I was in a group with Adrian, we needed to do everything the same. Please come to meet the scientist at Monday the 9 of September at 2.15pm to 3.00pm at 4HB 

By Peter



Book week reading is my secret power

On Friday the 23 of August 2019 we dressed up as a 

book character from  any book I dressed up as fantastic

 Mr Fox. The author who wrote the I dressed up as is Roll Dahl.

The story is about a fox who needs to get food for his family

 and friends because 3 farms who want to make him sleep and

 not wake up but Mr. fox need to

 get food so he dose something fantastic

How I got the costume was that I already had it so I didn’t

 need to get anything else.

In fantastic Mr Fox he needed to use a couple PLA like resilience

 because he never gave up and courage because in times when he

 was scared he used courage.



In year 4 we had two weeks to raise money for

 blankets by doing more chores to earn the money. 

We did it as our home task.

When I got home, I had a talk with my Mum to see

 how much money I get for doing certain jobs get for money. My mum and I came to an agreement that she would say a fair price for the jobs I would do.

So at the end I had $25 and I spent $7.90 for the blankets.  I spent $15 on shampoo but I needed to make sure 

it was good value and at the end I found something that was

 good value.  I got it.

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